Wordpress leading whitespace fix

Problem Ever got the infamous “xml declaration not at start of external entity” error instead of your RSS feed when using Wordpress? Well, you’re not alone. I’ve spent couple hours...

How to setup passwordless disk encryption in Debian Etch

tl;dr This article is really old; if you’re looking for general principles, fine. If you’re looking for specific solutions, you might have some luck towards the end of the page....

A HTTP(S) healthcheck script

Problem I often find myself having to run a simple healthchecking against a webserver, or to verify that a website I’m migrating runs on the new server (before I switch...

Why I LOVE Apache httpd hooks and pools

Intro This article discusses what Apache httpd dev team did GREAT in Apache 2.0.x in terms of extensibility and what other people (PHP developers included) can learn from them. Main...

A simple Ruby-based HTTP request tracer

Problem In my line of work it’s often beneficial to be able to find out where given HTTP request leads, what sort of cookies are set, etc. And while these...