Yamaha YAS-207 vs. Shairport Sync over TOSLINK
In this post I talk how to wire together the remote control for YAS-207 and Shairport Sync, on a Raspberry Pi with a TOSLINK output.
Yamaha YAS-207's Minimal Client (and a Soundbar Fake)
In this post I talk about a path to a minimal Ruby-based client (and a soundbar fake for testing).
Yamaha YAS-207's Bluetooth protocol reversed
In this post I'm going to (finally!) dive into reversing the protocol. Start to finish.
Yamaha YAS-207's Bluetooth protocol: first real progress
Finally I'm getting the bluetooth communication dump. Watch me automate the process. Failboats included free of charge.
Streaming Bluetooth Capture Data to Wireshark without Btsnoop Net Support Enabled
How to fix missing Btsnoop Net support in one's Android; like a boss.