Graphviz plugin for Jekyll

Problem statement

I’m rather fond of graphviz for my everyday graphing needs.

But I’m also tired of re-using the clunky old Makefile:

all: $(shell find . -iname \*.dot |sed 's/dot$\/svg/')

	onfilechange \*.dot 'make'

.SUFFIXES: .dot .svg

	dot -Tsvg -o $@ $<

Because in order to have a reasonable refresh-after-save when developing, I have to switch to the assets dir, and run the make watch. Not the end of the world, but doesn’t spark joy either.

Desired end-state

Therefore, I would like to have a Jekyll plugin1. One that parses a Liquid block and spits out the SVG as inline img tag (with an optional title).


{% graphviz_captioned some title %}
digraph G {
  node [shape=box]
  edge [color = "#aaaaaa"]
  overlap = "false"
  nodesep = 1

  sda2 [label="sda2", color="#ffd44f"]
  sdb2 [label="sdb2", color="#ffd44f"]

  md1 [label="mdraid mirror (md1)", color="#ffd44f"]

  sda2, sdb2 -> md1
{% endgraphviz_captioned %}

should produce:

some title some title

and errors should be clearly visible (in page).

And while one could make a case that I’m suffering from NIH, I think the few lines of Ruby don’t justify the additional dependency.

Not to mention that the support for the image captions (see the example above) isn’t there.


The solution is straightforward, one file in _plugins directory does the trick:

# frozen_string_literal: true

Allows to use the following in templates:

{% graphviz some title %}
digraph G {
  node [shape=box]
  edge [color = "#aaaaaa"]
  overlap = "false"
  nodesep = 1

  sda2 [label="sda2", color="#ffd44f"]
  sdb2 [label="sdb2", color="#ffd44f"]

  md1 [label="mdraid mirror (md1)", color="#ffd44f"]

  sda2, sdb2 -> md1
{% endgraphviz %}

Which will generate the graph using `dot` command,
and output the result as `img` tag with proper title.

Alternatively, you can leave out the title out,
in which case it will be set to `inlined graphviz graph`.

And if you use `graphviz_captioned` block instead of `graphviz`,
the title will also end up as a caption below the image.

require "jekyll"
require 'open3'
require 'cgi'
require 'base64'


module Jekyll
  class RenderGraphvizBlock < Liquid::Block
    def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens)
      @caption = !!(tag_name =~ /captioned/)
      @title = text && text.strip

    def gen_svg(input)
      output, status = Open3.capture2e("dot -Tsvg", stdin_data: input, binmode: true)
      output.force_encoding 'UTF-8'
      if status.success?
        [output, nil]
        [nil, output]

    def render(context)
      text = super
      output, error = gen_svg(text.strip)
      if error
        "<pre><code>" + CGI.escapeHTML(error) + "</code></pre>"
        title = @title || "inlined graphviz graph"
        b64 = Base64.strict_encode64(output)
        out = []
        out << "<p>"
        out << "<img alt=\"#{CGI.escapeHTML(title)}\" "
        out << "src=\"data:image/svg+xml;base64,#{b64}\" />"
        if @caption
          out << "\n<em>#{CGI.escapeHTML(title)}</em>"
        out << "</p>"

Liquid::Template.register_tag('graphviz', Jekyll::RenderGraphvizBlock)
Liquid::Template.register_tag('graphviz_captioned', Jekyll::RenderGraphvizBlock)

Closing words

To eat my own dog food, I’ve converted the last post to use this plugin.

Works as expected. Yay.

  1. The same way I have a plugin for the stl viewer, but I haven’t talked about that at all, have I?