From zero to radio amateur license in Switzerland
A short tale going over what it took to get the general (HB9 / CEPT / HAREC) radio amateur license in Switzerland.
Safely aborting long running shell scripts
A somewhat deep dive into the fascinating world of long running shell scripts, and the problem of safely aborting them.
Grub 2.12 broke my secureboot setup (again)
A recap of upgrade from grub 2.06 to 2.12 gone bad (broken SecureB00t). And how to fix it.
How to ditch grub for UEFI (secure)booting
This quick note shows how to throw away grub in favor of a simpler way to secure boot. And also how to make an EFI USB boot stick with this approach.
Deep dive into Fibonacci computation in Ruby
A fun little exploration of a weird implementation of Fibonacci in Ruby, and what it takes to make it fast, pretty, and robust.