Guard free space and status of your RAID devices

Problem You might need to guard free space and status of your RAID devices on a server, without heavy machinery. Solution I wrote a simple Ruby script to do just...

Eicar and Gtube are your friends

More than once was I trying to debug a mailserver (or spamassassin setup) and couldn’t find the damn EICAR or GTUBE strings. Here they are. EICAR (antivirus test): X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H* GTUBE...

How to prevent hotlinking without mod_rewrite

Sometimes you don’t have mod_rewrite at your disposal, and yet you want to prevent hotlinking. Here’s how: <FilesMatch "\.(gif|jpe?g|png|wmv|avi)$"> SetEnvIfNoCase Referer ^$ allow_access=1 SetEnvIfNoCase Referer ^http://(www\.)?wejn\.org($|/) allow_access=1 Order Deny,Allow Deny...

My email address

In case you were wondering, here’s my email address: #!/usr/bin/env ruby $><<(("%060b"%[0x0bafab112ddba26]).scan(/.{5}/).map{ |x|(("a".."z").to_a+%w[@ .])[Integer(x,2)]}.join+$/) (Updated in 2021)

Conway's Game of Life redefined

I have no clue where I found this clever implementation of Conway’s Game of Life but I like it a lot: char*b= " " " " " ## " "...