Spec.rb, a saner alternative to Markdown
I can’t quite remember how I got to this point, but I hate Markdown with passion. Hence I did what any self-respecting person with seemingly too much time on their...
Guard free space and status of your RAID devices
Problem You might need to guard free space and status of your RAID devices on a server, without heavy machinery. Solution I wrote a simple Ruby script to do just...
Eicar and Gtube are your friends
More than once was I trying to debug a mailserver (or spamassassin setup) and couldn’t find the damn EICAR or GTUBE strings. Here they are. EICAR (antivirus test): X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H* GTUBE...
How to prevent hotlinking without mod_rewrite
Sometimes you don’t have mod_rewrite at your disposal, and yet you want to prevent hotlinking. Here’s how: <FilesMatch "\.(gif|jpe?g|png|wmv|avi)$"> SetEnvIfNoCase Referer ^$ allow_access=1 SetEnvIfNoCase Referer ^http://(www\.)?wejn\.org($|/) allow_access=1 Order Deny,Allow Deny...
My email address
In case you were wondering, here’s my email address: #!/usr/bin/env ruby $><<(("%060b"%[0x0bafab112ddba26]).scan(/.{5}/).map{ |x|(("a".."z").to_a+%w[@ .])[Integer(x,2)]}.join+$/) (Updated in 2021)