How to call renameat2 syscall in Ruby
Short post about the fascinating journey to discover how to call renameat2 syscall in Ruby in a somewhat portable way... and why one might want to do such a thing.
Controlling fan speed the right way
I'm exploring some of the ways to control fan speed on Linux, notably including the (IMO) right one.
Loadtesting EdgeRouter 4 in more depth
Based on reader feedback, I take a slightly deeper look at ER4 loadtest. Namely, how do flow-lifetime and table-size influence the imix loadtest.
Making AlpineLinux load ZFS keys for all pools on startup
A quick post detailing the initscript that is needed to convince AlpineLinux to load keys for all ZFS pools (not just for the boot pool).
Reversing Yamaha SR-C20A [by Michael Obst]
A quick link to a reverse engineering of Yamaha SR-C20A project by Michael Obst that's inspired by my YAS-207 reversing series.